Monday, May 12, 2008


Mother's Day...a time when we pull back and really focus on Mom and the legacy she offers. I have the pleasure of sharing living quarters with mine and even though our space can get pretty small, pretty fast, we're doing just fine. The picture above reminds me of the many talks and shared times we've had together enjoying God's beautiful nature.

Mom and I moved in together many years ago to help care for my Grandmother. What was a necessity at the time, turned into a huge blessing later down the road. You see, my mother and I have always had this up and down relationship. I don't even want to mention the teenage years! She already handed down the "Mom curse" back in those days..."I hope you have a daughter just like you some day...then you'll understand." My word! I hope that one passes me by! We love each other, but drive each other crazy at the same time. I suppose it's like that with all Moms and Daughters.

But something magical happened while three generations of women were living under the same roof. Grandmother and I talked like we had never talked before. She began to share things never touched on in the past. It gave me an awesome view through the window of her eyes and I began to see both my Mother and Grandmother for the women they were...flawed, beautiful, inspiring, strong women who made good choices as well as mistakes just like everyone else.

I took notice of the legacy each offered...the many, many lessons to be learned from their walk down life's pathway. I feel so lucky to have the Mom I do...she's an open book and a hoot to hang around! Don't get us out in public when we're tired, because the laughter at absolutely nothing won't stop until one of us falls over! Yes, she's fun and wild! I've been so fortunate to spend the last few years really getting to know her.

My father died not too long ago, which came as a total shock. Mom and I both took stock of our own lives and decided that life is too short to float along. So, as the motivating woman that she is, Mom created a plan. Retire, take a year off for herself, and then go back to school to begin a new 63!! Talk about inspiring! I couldn't lag far behind so I also initiated a search for my own passion...a passion I didn't even know I had.

Thanks Mom, for loving me, supporting me, inspiring me, guiding me, for being the incredible woman that you are and for being my best friend!!

Love Always!! ( ;

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Here We Go! this is my first post. It might not be the most eloquent thing, but it's a start.

I never imagined I would begin a blog or, for that matter, fall into the habit of reading other blogs. Too much on my plate already...too many books purchased with good intentions still on the shelves unread...too many emails of long inspiring stories still sitting in my inbox unopened, but not yet deleted...too many piles of articles that I'll one day get to...too many I thought.

Then one day I happened upon a blog that led me to another blog, which led me to yet another blog and so on, and so on. I found I wasn't so different in my views...that there were others out there who shared my passions and ideas. And so my blog journey began...a journey that was simply about finding me.

It was to be another year before I launched my own musings out into the world, and that launch happened today. Not sure why it took me this long. Part of me felt like I didn't have much to say, but who are we kidding! Anyone who knows me would laugh at even entertaining that thought! No...I think it was more about not knowing much of myself...the real me. I lost her somewhere between graduating from college and caring for my ill Grandmother. I had been out of touch with my authentic self for so long that she became this weird embodiment of mangled ideas from childhood and new found possibilities that never took root.

So many of the blogs I'm attracted to are written by wives and moms, young and old, who are offering advice and wisdom gleaned from their own experiences. I found myself making mental notes about husband/wife issues and child rearing topics. Strange for a gal who's single and not even dating at the moment! And no, I'm not one of those chicks who's desperately seeking her man and ready to jump on the next prospect that passes by. Good gracious, that only leads to wackos in the wind! I'd rather be alone than miserable!

I will admit sometimes I get a little nervous that the baby train might have left my caboose at the station since I'm already 38 and ladies, we know there are only so many good years the ol' eggs can give! But I know God has a plan for things and my guy will appear when the time is right. And if it's in the plan for me to have kids then that will happen too.

So in the meantime, I'm enjoying being a single gal on a journey of starting over and finding me. I hope you come along and enjoy the might even bring an air of sanity on the bumpy tour!