Tuesday, July 28, 2009


This evening we had the most magical thunder storm we've had in a while! Flashing beams of light darting across the sky, casting shadows all around. Then the clouds opened up, offering a downpour of nature's tears. I love storms. There's something so cathartic about watching the chaos of whipping wind, electric beams and heavy rain drops from the security of home.

It reminds me of the uncertainty of life and the storms we each face. If we look at the storms while we're standing in the rain, we're sure to be hit by lightening. But if we surround ourselves in the home of God, those storms become something mystical...the fear turns into wonder. We begin to look at the mysteriousness of what is taking place and begin to see the beauty in it.

Something that has the potential to be terrifying is transformed into a deeper moment of depending on God. We are able to see what is happening in a different light. Instead of running to find cover, we stand in awe of the power before us. We appreciate the rain that waters the land, wait with excitement for the next flash of light to show and count the seconds until we hear the boom of thunder.

I love to light a few candles in the fireplace, turn off all the lights and watch the light show from the safety of home. The next time you find yourself in a storm, take a deep breath, find a home in the safety of God's arms, light some candles and watch the show with different eyes. You have nothing to fear. Just know that the storm will pass soon enough and you will come away with a greater knowing of yourself and your God.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Who Knew Facebook Could Be a Blessing...

Facebook...that dreaded word. I dislike networking sites as much as reality tv, but a friend suggested signing up to help promote my business. Really...Facebook? No, please, no! Okay...I'll try (kicking and screaming all the way). Yet another thing to keep up with.

But I'm beginning to see the value. It's funny...most of my friends don't blog, much less facebook, so with whom would I connect? My sister-in-law suggested friends from high school...obviously coming from a gal who had a good high school experience.

I began searching classmates and found so many from those days...but the gurgling noise from within my throat made it quite apparent that this online journey was dredging up old wounds and dark shadows from the past. Hence my decision to put off this online world for another day.

Which brings me to yesterday. After more prompting I finally signed up for an account. I thought, "Nope, I'll just focus on the business side and leave the personal for another day." But my friend said, "You know, it might help to get your feet wet by learning the ropes on your personal account first." Ug! Not what I wanted to hear.

Okay, might as well try. Some how searching for those from the past didn't seem so daunting this time. Could it be that I'm growing? Maturing? Maybe...but the more I looked and added friends the more I felt my heart open. For so long I had closed off that part of my spirit. Hartsville did not hold good memories passed the age of 12. There were some good times, but more pain than pleasure.

By not wanting to think about that part of my life, I ignored a very important chunk of my soul. We are not our experiences. Everyone has challenges, but it's how we deal with them that matters. Did you suck back in high school, college or even yesterday?!! Join the club! Did you make stupid mistakes and wish you could erase an entire era? Who doesn't?

Some how God used Facebook to open a part of me that I had closed off long ago. How? I have no clue, but this time I saw faces of friends from the past who are different people now...people who have gone through their own challenges and trials...people who have grown and dared to believe a new dream for their lives. Life is a journey and takes us down so many twists and turns that it's hard to keep track. But if we're willing to hang in there and embrace the blessings that each day brings, we'll go further than we could ever imagine.