Monday, January 26, 2009

Raw Food Diet

Well, Alissa Cohen's book arrived! It didn't take very long to get here, but let me tell's one HEAVY book! Thank goodness for free shipping!

I am so excited about beginning this new plan and have already plowed through 150 pages. This is more about preparing myself mentally than anything else and so far so good. I love most of the recipes and the idea of being able to eat whatever you want without counting calories is a blessing. Really listening to your body and allowing intuition to kick in is the key. The more I read, the more I like. We'll see....I'll keep you posted.


Deanna said...

I think you will really enjoy this book! It's one I read and re-read a lot!

The Homesteading Apartment said...

I think you're right Deanna! The more I read, the more excited I get. I'm cleaning out the kitchen today and going shopping so I can begin Friday!

Are there any other books you might suggest?