Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dogs and Shoes...

I came across this picture today and it reminded me of Malone, my sweet, obedient doxie. You've heard the story of Reba and her trash can escapade. Well, Malone decided he was tired of being the good one and rebelled.

I had taken Mom to the hospital at 5:00 am that morning so our normal potty-walk time at 6:00 am was moved up to 4:30 am. Most dogs love schedule and mine are no different, so the early rustling out of snuggled blankets came as quite a surprise for these furry little ones. Especially since they know their mama is a night owl and not a morning person!

I placed them in their safety zone, puppy-proofed things and made sure puppy pads were down in case they needed to go to the bathroom since I wouldn't be back until after 6 pm that night. Mom's procedure went well and she was giggling on the phone with her favorite sister (her only sister), so I felt good about leaving to tend to the pups.

I arrived home with my furry ones to greet me...and then I noticed it. A pile of something on the vinyl (thank goodness on the vinyl!!) and not on a puppy-pad. Yuck! Upon cleaning up the mess, a closer examination revealed this was not a potty break, but someone coughing up something that shouldn't have been in their stomach!

Then I noticed one of my leather boots, much like the one in the picture with the pup above, nestled on Malone's blanket. I reached over to pick up my boot only to find half of it missing!!!!! That stinker had eaten my boot! He's fine now and things came out in the wash, if you know what I little stinker! He's sooooo good, but when he rebels, he does it well!

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